Monday, April 26, 2010

'Jihad' Defined

The word jihad is a scary word among most people worldwide. Jihad is associated with terror, and hatred. The word itself is very loosely used.

Since 9/11, you can not pick up a newspaper or turn on the news without the mention of the word jihad, along side the word terrorist. The word, jihad, is being misused. You can not use a word without first understanding what it really means. It's like yelling "Fire!" when there is no fire.

So what does the word jihad really mean? The Koran, (Muslims' holy book) defines jihad as, "the effort made to remove obstacles that stand between humanity and God."

In the faith of Islam, jihad is not associated with terror, or hatred. It is not a declaration of a "Holy War."

One cannot go any further without understanding the faith of Islam, the Muslim religion. The religion itself is misunderstood, as well as associated with terror and hatred.

The Muslim religion is a peaceful religion. The word Islam means submission to God, peace, security, and well-being; nothing to do with being a terrorist. In the words of the fame Turkish Imam/scholar, Fethullah Gulen, "In true Islam, terror does not exist."

And he is right terror does not exist in Islam, even in times of war. Islam is a faith that believes in killing an ant to be a major sin. Since the one who gives life and death is God, it is forbidden to kill. No one can take away the life that God has given. One cannot harm people who worship in God's house (i.e. churches, synagogues). The killing of innocent people is an unforgivable crime against humanity.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), messenger of God, has demanded that non-Muslims be treated well.

"Those who ill-treat Christians and Jews will answer to me on judgment day. And those who do injustice to Christians and Jews will not be able to enter Paradise."

With the understanding of the Muslim religion, we now can understand the word jihad.

Jihad comes to meaning [again] not with terror or hatred, but with giving yourself to God; not letting anything stand between you and God.

If your faith and beliefs are being questioned and threaten, then a jihad exists. This does not mean killing and terrorizing, it just means defending your faith and belief in God.

Jihad is not a scary word. The word is misunderstood and misused. A "Holy War" does not exist.

Neslihan Elipenahli is a senior at William Paterson and the managing editor for the Pioneer Times.

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